Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Practical Pressure Sensitive Computer Keyboard

My comments on other blogs:
Justin Kern
Brett Hlavinka

This paper shares a new possible technology for keyboards with pressure sensitive keys.  This technology has never been introduced before because it could not be mass produced in a cost effective manner.  The process with which this paper presents this idea only slightly changes the already existing line of keyboards and is easily implementable.  In order to achieve the pressure sensitivity, multiple contact points were placed under each key.  The more conductivity generated, the higher the pressure.  Some of the stated uses for this are for gaming, musical keyboard simulation, more accurate typing, and emotional instant messaging.

Personally, I can see the use for musical keyboard simulation as it would allow for fairly accurate note lengths.  I also see the added benefit for more accurate typing, however small the increase.  (Having the keys pressed placed into a queue based on when the pressure peaked seems a small improvement for fast typers)  I do not see a use of emotional instant messaging.  I could see someone wanting to try it out, but I find the results more difficult to read.  Example:

I can see how if the keyboard was offered at no additional cost it would of use, however, I would never pay extra for a pressure sensitive keyboard.

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